• JuzeFest is always in upstate NY about 2 hours away from NYC.

    Once you purchase your ticket, you will recieve the full address.

  • The packing list has all of the information that you need.

    Check it out here.

  • -Entry onto the property from Thursday @ 5pm - Sunday @ 1pm

    -Tomeyhu (Pre-Shabbos Food)

    -Friday Night Dinner.

    -Shabbos Lunch.

    -Motzei Shabbos BBQ.

    -Tea room with hot water, coffee, tea, sugar, milk.

    *—Cabins and Open Bar bracelets available for additional fees.

    We suggest bringing some food for yourself for Thursday night, Friday morning and Sunday morning.

  • JuzeFest requires that all participants are 21+ with a valid photo ID.

    People under the age of 21 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

    Although we have participants ranging in age from infants to grandparents, the majority of participants are within the age group 25-35.

  • YES!

    There are some night activities that may not be appropriate for some children and we recommend putting the kids to sleep before participating in those events. Otherwise, we welcome children of all ages to join in the fun!

  • Every kind of Jew comes to JuzeFest. From Chassidish to Litvish, Sfardi to Ashkenazi, Beketcha and Shtreimel to Flip flops and baseball hats. As long as you can follow the few rules that we have and respect each other, you are welcome to come party with us.

  • YES!

    We are always looking for responsible fun people to help out at our events and to offer workshops and run some activities.

    Email us at JuzeFest@gmail.com

  • All of the food is Glatt Kosher, Pas Yisroel, and Cholov Yisroel.

  • Yes!

    We will have an Eruv, Minyan, a Sefer Torah and a guest Rabbi on site.

    Please note that although we do encourage everyone to participate in all activities, we do not force anybody to participate in any activity that they do not chose to join, including davening.

  • Yes, but please don’t make them work too hard.

  • The $50 fee is for a mattress, a full bathroom with a shower, air conditioning, and a roof over your head.

    What do the cabins look like? Picture a boys sleep away camp.

    Are they pretty? Nope!

    Do they have air conditioning, proper beds and a full bathroom? Yes!

  • If you accidentally bought too many tickets, or have an emergency and can no longer make it to JuzeFest, you can transfer your ticket up to 7 days before the start of the event. You must reach send an email to juzefest@gmail.com including the following information.

    I, _______________ , sold Ticket #_______ to _______________ for $____.

    I confirm that I told him/her all of the rules and regulations and he/she agrees to them all.

    His/Her cell phone number is _____________.

    Electronically signed and sent: __/__/__ @ __ :__ am/pm

    The person purchasing your ticket, must also send an email to juzefest@gmail.com with the following information.

    I, _______________ , bought Ticket #_______ from _______________ for $____.

    I confirm that I was told all of the rules and regulations and I agree to them all.

    My cell phone number is _____________.

    Electronically signed and sent: __/__/__ @ __ :__ am/pm

    There are no refunds.