Rules and Regulations

  1. Leave the place cleaner than you found it.

  2. Keep your car in the designated driving/parking areas; if a staff member asks you to move your car, you must move it immediately. Violators will be towed.

  3. Do NOT go in the kitchen or any other designated staff only area. This includes any and all buildings and structures that are not clearly labeled on your map as public spaces.

  4. Be Shomer Shabbos in all public areas; including but not limited to no public cell phones use, no music, no smoking, and no using your cars on shabbos.

  5. No weapons.

  6. No fireworks.

  7. No unsupervised fires. There are many designated areas and plenty of wood to burn. Please respect our property and do not make any fires on any of our open fields.

  8. Keep all food in closed containers and use only gas grills if you choose to cook for yourself.

  9. No loitering outside of the property or trespassing on neighboring properties. Hiking in the water past our property is not allowed. Please ask if you are unsure where the property line ends.

  10. No unleashed/uncaged pets. No pets in any cabins or buildings.

  11. All garbage must be thrown into black garbage bags; including but not limited to cigarette butts, cans, bottles, tissues, wrappers, and anything else you brought on the property and don’t want to take home with you.

  12. Be kind to everyone.

  13. Be respectful to everyone.

  14. Good vibes only.

  15. If you don’t want us to see you do it, just don’t do it.

By purchasing a ticket, you agree to all of these rules.

Any person who does not follow these rules or who does not act in a manner consistent with a member of the JuzeFest family, will be removed from the property with no refund.