Simchas torah 2020

Simchas Torah is my favorite holiday and y’all gave me my favorite one yet.

Twas a pleasure dancing and singing and celebrating the receiving of the Torah with you.

Sukkos is a holiday where we leave all of our materialistic things behind and step into nature to connect with HaShem. JuzeFest is proud to offer our unique twist on the Simchas Torah experience. Nature is a our theme and connection is our goal as we sing and dance all night long in upstate New York. Our property is a camp with heated cabins, an outdoor pool, a large sukkah, tea room, open bar, pillow fort and more! We will be kumzitzing all weekend, enjoying yoga, meditation, and nature hikes and ending our festival of huts with musical performances and of course another kumzitz.


Lag BaOmer 2021


Year Two 2020